Service Estimates


Pricing for our services is going to vary quite a bit, depending on what you need. But let’s try here to give you a ballpark idea of what your project might cost. Then, to get more specifics, just contact us, give us a clear idea of your needs, and we can provide you with a quote. With that quote, we will provide you with various options and the results you could expect from those options.
For websites, we separate out costs for design and for content. You might need one or the other or both. Here’s the breakdown:
Design icon
The basic cost for a quality custom design (designed from scratch by one of our industry-leading designers) that will convey a feeling of basic quality will be somewhere around $5000, plus or minus.
Enhancements, such as moving parts, the use of video, or other premium design features, could drive the cost up to $12,000 to $20,000.
You could also go more economical by using an available design template. Depending on the template chosen, that could end up costing in the neighborhood of $1500 to $2500.
Content icon
Content fees will vary according to the nature of the content you need. Custom-written content could cost from around $350 per page up to $500 or more, depending on the complexity of the page and the amount of research required.
If you are writing the content and posting it yourself, there wouldn't be any fee. If we are formatting it and doing light editing, it might be around $100 per page, more or less, depending on how much editing is needed..
Search Engine Optimization icon
Search Engine Optimization
SEO services are going to need to be customized and will vary widely, from around $200 per month to thousands per month. Local SEO services are easier to quantify and full optimization will probably cost around $500-600 per month, after an initial set-up charge.
Social Media
An aggressive, effective social media marketing strategy is going to cost anywhere from about $1000 per month to up into five figures. Return on investment for social media tends to be high.
Paid Search icon
Paid Search
Our fee for pay-per-click advertising is a calculated as a percentage of your monthly spend. After an initial set-up charge, our administrative fee is 19.5% of your ad spend, with a minimum of $195/month. Depending on your needs, you might be looking at an ad spend of from $1000 per month up to well into five figures.
Some companies charge you for this service without separating out their administrative fee from the amount they are paying the search engine. Some use this tactic to conceal exorbitant administrative fees. We believe in complete transparency here and bill these items separately.
Decorative stars

“The biggest thing is that we’ve learned we can trust them. When they recommend something to us, we know that they have our best interests at heart. We do what they suggest, and it works.”

Jeannie Theriot
Decorative stars

“At the Website Factory, this is where the magic happens.”

Denise Murphree
Decorative stars

“The company has great service and products. The website is well-designed, user-friendly and very easy on the eyes. The team is supportive and very responsive to our needs. I’m very happy with The Website Factory and recommend to everyone who needs a great website.”

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